          PRC外交部例行記者會有關ECFA部分(2010.06.01) st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 【Comment】 Please n 花蓮民宿ote that MYJ gave all of us a beautiful picture that the 酒店經紀re will be many FTAs after the ECFA. PRC has formally declared no government to government relations 港式飲茶between Taiwan and foreign countries will be strongly opposed. PRC allows only agreement on non-government basis. No Eng 台北港式飲茶lish brief has been released yet. It would be interesting to know if the agreements between Taiwan and PRC are non-governmental 商務中心which Beijing has the right to terminate any and every of them if they think so. Why MYJ even his promised proved nonsense has that strong motivation to push Chi 宜蘭民宿na-friendly policies so much and so quickly? 馬政權曾許下:與中國簽署ECFA,就可以與他國簽署FTA的美麗新世界;中國外交部正式表達堅決反對的態度。 簽署ECFA既然無助因應東協整合的情勢; 墾丁民宿無助後續的FTA;也無助「早期收穫清單」。令人不解的是,馬英九為何有全世界最強的「使命感」,值得不顧一切暴衝?緩步開放不行嗎? 還有這條「巧合」: PRC 日月潭民宿外交部例行記者會有關ECFA部分(2010.06.01) 問:大陸與臺灣即將簽訂《兩岸經濟合作框架協議》,臺灣方面希望這有助於臺灣與其他國家商簽自由貿易協定。大陸對此持何態度? 答:我們對我建交國同臺灣開展民間經貿往來不持異議,但堅?麻辣鍋M反對同臺灣發展任何形式的官方往來。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 麻辣火鍋  .

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